Day Eleven
Testimonies and Bricks!

Revelation 12:11 CSB
[11] They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; for they did not love their lives to the point of death.

Coca-Cola, BMW, Nike, Kellogg’s. What do all of these brand names have in common? They were all built by testimonies. Word of mouth from people who tried the product and approved so much that they felt compelled to tell someone in close proximity what they experienced through one of those branded products. At that point the word of mouth advertising came at no charge, but later on these companies would pay advertising companies to craft a witty and cleaver testimony, detailed and design to inspire the hearers to make a purchase. Our scripture tells us through our testimony the enemy can be conquered. Your testimony is one of the ways you advertise who Jesus is. There are so many opportunities to share our testimony because every single day, God does something for you.

Even the fact that He wakes us up everyday is a reason to testify. But every believer at one point or another has seen the hand of God working in our lives. So why are a lot of us shy about bragging and boasting on our God? Never be

ashamed to tell people what you’ve seen God do. You never know, you could be missions opportunity to help somebody overcome. Your victories and blessings are not just for you. Your testimony is a faith builder; it’s like adding a layer of bricks to somebody’s faith wall. Sometimes our testimony is the one thing that stops someone’s faith from collapsing.

Be a faith builder today. I challenge you to share a story today with someone about the goodness of God.

Let’s pray…

Father, We admit that there have been times when we’ve been apprehensive about sharing our testimonies, and for that we repent. Help us to become bold in our faith. We are never ashamed of You Jesus, we are just ashamed of ourselves. So we bind and block every spirit of inadequacy in Jesus name!


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